Database Changes You Control

With great power comes great responsibility. That’s why modelDBA takes the responsible approach by only applying changes to your database when you want it to.

Unlike other database tools, modelDBA doesn’t generate SQL scripts and leave it up to you to apply them to the database. modelDBA handles all SQL queries in the background, letting you make changes easily through the user interface. Each time you make a change it’s added to a list of pending changes and shown on the database diagram. You can view these changes by clicking on the wrench icon to open up the change panel.

When you make changes they show up in the changes panel first. When you’re ready to apply them to your database, it’s as easy as a single click.

Pending changes can be applied to the database or cancelled. Cancelling a change will revert your database state in modelDBA to match what’s in your database. Applying the change will update your database directly.

If you’re using a database in a production environment, you’ll be warned if your change has the potential to remove data. This way, you always know when your data is at risk.

modelDBA has been designed to make changing and updating your databases as simple and easy as possible. However, that doesn’t mean taking away your control over your databases. You always get to decide when and where changes happen.

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