
Generating Grammars

Generate all the lexers and parsers by running npm run antl4ts-all.

If you just need to re-generate one of the grammars, you can run one of the following:

npm run antlr4ts-mysql    # MySQL
npm run antlr4ts-plsql    # PL/SQL (Oracle)
npm run antlr4ts-plpgsql  # PL/SQL (PostgreSQL)
npm run antlr4ts-tsql     # TSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)


After generating the MySQL lexer/parser, you need to add the superclass imports:

import { MySQLBaseLexer } from './MySQLBaseLexer';
import { SqlMode } from './common';


import { MySQLBaseParser } from "./MySQLBaseParser";
import { SqlMode } from './common';

And prepend all method calls with this. and all static references with MySQLLexer.. Additionally, you must append references to SqlMode variables (essentially, anything that is left over after prepending with the previous two items) with SqlMode..


After generating the PL/SQL lexer/parser, you need to add the superclass imports:

import { PlSqlParserBase } from "./PlSqlParserBase";


import { PlSqlLexerBase } from "./PlSqlLexerBase";

And prepend all method calls with this.. These grammars are designed for non-TypeScript languages, which do not require method calls to use the this keyword.

Building antlr4ts-sql

Make sure you have installed all dependencies:

npm install

To build your local version of antlr4ts-sql, use the build script:

npm run build