Pre-built SQL grammars that you can import and “just use”. No configuration necessary.
Supports MySQL, T-SQL (SQL Server), PL/pgSQL (PostgreSQL) and PL/SQL (Oracle) dialects.
- Get parsers, lexers and parse-trees with a single method call.
- Determine if an arbitrary SQL script is syntactically correct.
- Identify the types of keywords used in the queries.
npm install antlr4ts-sql
Get Started
import { antlr4tsSQL, SQLDialect } from 'antlr4ts-sql';
const antlr4tssql = new antlr4tsSQL(SQLDialect.MYSQL);
const query = 'SELECT * FROM table1';
const parseTree = antlr4tssql.getParseTreeFromSQL(query);
// Sql_scriptContext {
// _parent: undefined,
// invokingState: -1,
// _start: CommonToken { _line: 1, _charPositionInLine: 0, _channel: 0,
// index: 0, _text: undefined, _type: 614,
// source: { source: [MySQLLexer], stream: [ANTLRInputStream] },
// start: 0, stop: 5
// },
// children: [
// QueryContext {
// _parent: [Circular], invokingState: 1212,
// _start: [CommonToken], children: [Array], _stop: [CommonToken]
// },
// TerminalNode { _symbol: [CommonToken], _parent: [Circular] }
// ],
// _stop: CommonToken { _line: 1, _charPositionInLine: 20, _channel: 0,
// index: 7, _text: undefined, _type: -1,
// source: { source: [MySQLLexer], stream: [ANTLRInputStream] },
// start: 20, stop: 19
// }
// }
Created By
antlr4ts-sql is a project created and maintained by modelDBA, a database IDE for modern developers. modelDBA lets you visualize SQL as you type and edit tables easily with a no-code table editor.